MR Military Training vs Traditional Military Training

October 20, 2021

As technology continues to evolve, it is not surprising that virtual and augmented reality find themselves being used in military training. Mixed Reality (MR) is a combination of both virtual and augmented reality to create an immersive experience. Here, we compare the effectiveness and efficiency of MR military training to traditional military training approaches.

What is Traditional Military Training?

Traditional military training involves physical training in real-life scenarios. It is the standard and oldest method used in training military personnel.

What is MR Military Training?

MR military training is an immersive training approach that uses computer-generated virtual elements projected on to the real environment. It overlays digital information on to the physical environment, improving situational awareness by simulating battlefield experiences.

Comparison of Traditional vs MR Military Training


Traditional military training can be expensive due to the cost of equipment, ammunition, and facilities. Compared to traditional military training, MR military training requires less ammunition and equipment. The technology can be expensive, but it can be used repeatedly, reducing the cost of training in the long term.


Traditional military training can be very dangerous as it involves handling live ammunition and explosives. There is also a risk of injury from falls, jumps, and extreme weather conditions. With MR military training, trainees can experience the environment without risking their lives, minimizing the risk of training-related accidents.


The level of realism in traditional military training can depend on the availability of resources, weather conditions, and terrain. In contrast, MR military training can simulate any environment under any condition, allowing trainees to learn how to navigate and interact with a range of terrains and scenarios.


Studies have shown that MR military training increases retention rates among trainees. The immersive experience allows trainees to practice skills in a safe environment, translating to better performance in real-life situations.


While the traditional approach is still useful, advancements in technology have revolutionized military training. MR military training provides a more cost-effective, safer, and more realistic option. It also improves retention rates among trainees, making it a desirable alternative to traditional military training.


  • Tang, G. et al. “A Preliminary Study on the Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Combat Simulation in Military Training and Education.” Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 59, no. 1 (2015): 1934–8.
  • Lee, E., Lee, J., Lee, H., and Song, J. “Virtual Reality Training With Three-dimensional Computer Simulation of a Building Fire.” Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 45, no. 3 (2012): 183–91.
  • Army Technology. (2021). How Virtual and Augmented Reality are Disrupting Military Training. [online] Available at:

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